

Learn practical nonverbal classroom management strategies that create an ideal learning environment for students across all grade levels. Implementing the nonverbal communication concepts in Metabolism is like a “magic wand” for educators who want their students to:

  • Stay on task longer
  • Learn faster
  • Make better decisions
  • Become slightly more visually-oriented

“Michael Grinder’s Metabolism courses give teachers specific tips in using deliberate tone and body language to set expectations, invite conversation, and calm and engage students. The tips are quick and applicable the very next moment you have students in front of you.” – Susan Spencer, 3rd grade


“Michael Grinder is an expert on human interaction. He has found a way to distill hundreds of years of research (not all conducted by him) into incredibly insightful and useful tidbits that all teachers would find beneficial. There is power for any teacher applying his principles of classroom management. There is even more potential if groups of teachers do it together. The teachers can support each other as they practice the simple, but effective strategies. The students they share will have the benefit of consistency—common language, understanding, techniques—between adults. Teachers will recognize themselves in the course—sometimes as the expert, and sometimes as the novice. We all need to know what we’re doing well, and we all have things we could do better. This course is a great reminder for those who are long-time fans of Mr. Grinder, and it’s a great introduction for those who are just coming on board.” – Jeff Kurtz, Third Grade


Help students achieve relaxed awareness with nonverbal classroom management strategies 

Learn practical nonverbal classroom management strategies that create an ideal learning environment for students across all grade levels. Implementing the nonverbal communication concepts in Metabolism is like a “magic wand” for educators who want their students to:

  • Stay on task longer
  • Learn faster
  • Make better decisions 
  • Become slightly more visually-oriented

Plus, your students will feel comfortable and ready to learn.

Metabolism is a twenty-part training series divided into four sections. Each lesson focuses on specific nonverbal suggestions and actionable ways to set the optimal classroom atmosphere through:

  • Your face (visual)
  • Your voice (audio)
  • Your body (kinesthetic)
  • Your breathing

Every lesson includes videos, implementation activities, and lesson quizzes. 

Up to two CE credits are available through the University of Massachusetts (each credit is 15 practicum hours) and a certificate from the Michael Grinder Academy.


In this course, participants will:

  • Understand how to increase or decrease students’ metabolisms and when doing so is appropriate.
  • Learn when and how to show visual information
  • Discover how your gestures and walking speed influence the classroom dynamics
  • Understand how to create the best possible learning environment, including when (and if) to use music.
  • Encourage their class to comply faster by helping them know a request is coming.

By the end of the program, graduates will be able to:

  1. Identify the four categories of nonverbal communication and how they overlap.
  2. Understand how visual communication is more effective than oral communication.
  3. Practice the two voice patterns of credibility (which sends information) and approachability (which increases dialogue), and know when to use each pattern.
  4. Recognize how the teacher’s voice volume and speed influence concentration and master the art of getting a class’s attention without appearing angry.
  5. Incorporate a visual atmosphere (bulletin board and hallway display) that fosters attentiveness – including how the open space of the classroom invites tranquility.
  6. Become aware of the ART and SCIENCE of Congruency – the ultimate level influencing a classroom’s metabolism. Congruency directly results from how a teacher breathes – there will be recommendations for practicing deep, relaxed breathing.
What others are saying:

“Metabolism is a foundational course I would highly recommend to all teachers. I had read Michael’s books before and thought it would be a good refresher – and it ended up being far more. 

Becoming more aware of how I use my nonverbals has been a humbling and, at the same time, empowering experience. Not only for my learning but for my students’ learning.”

– Brendon Breen, Singapore American School

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